Leaf-specific pathogenesis-related 10 homolog, PgPR-10.3, shows binding affinity with several biologically important molecules

Pathogenesis-related (PR)-10 proteins are small, cytosolic proteins with a similar three-dimensional (3-D) structure. Crystal structures for several PR-10 homologs have similar overall folding patterns with an unusually large internal cavity that is a binding site for biologically important molecules. Although structural information on PR-10 proteins is substantial, understanding of their biological function remains limited. Here, we showed that one of the PgPR-10 homologs, PgPR-10.3, shares binding properties with flavonoids, kinetin, emodin, deoxycholic acid and ginsenoside Re (one of the steroid glycosides).

A Brief Method for the Preparation of Gintonin-Enriched Fraction from Ginseng

Ginseng has been used as a tonic for invigoration of human body. In a previous report, we identified a novel candidate responsible for the tonic role of ginseng, designated gintonin. Gintonin induces [Ca2+]i transient in animal cells via lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptor activation. Gintonin-mediated [Ca2+]i transient is linked to anti-Alzheimer’s disease in transgenic Alzheimer’s disease animal model. The previous method for gintonin preparation included multiple steps. The aim of this study is to develop a simple method of gintonin fraction with a high yield.

Enzymatic formation of compound-K from ginsenoside Rb1 by enzyme preparation from cultured mycelia of

Minor saponins or human intestinal bacterial metabolites such as ginsenoside Rg3, F2, Rh2, and compound K are more pharmacologically active than major saponins such as ginsenoside Rb1, Rb2, and Rc. In this study, enzymatic hydrolysis of ginsenoside Rb1 was studied using enzyme preparations from cultured mycelia of mushrooms.